YES, send me a free copy of the new trypraying book!

The trypraying book is a 7 day prayer guide for those who are not particularly religious or who haven't prayed in a long time. It’s now been used by hundreds of thousands of people. It is often read and then passed on to friends, colleagues and neighbors. Pastor Clark wants to send you a copy on us today - zero strings attached!

There are now over 750,000 copies being used and passed from person to person worldwide. It is being used in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and the USA.

Could something as simple as prayer change your life for the better? We believe so!

Does anyone listen when we pray? Is there anyone there who cares about our lives? Most people pray at some time in their life. Amazing things can happen when we pray and so often people discover someone who listens. But it’s not just religious people. Millions of people who are not religious also pray. If that’s you, then we have a resource to help.

Send me a complimentary copy of trypraying

We are 100% volunteer run - so please allow us up to 2-weeks to ship the book to you. We are working hard to process all requests in a timely manner!

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